Saturday, March 31, 2012

Taking Those Timeless Less Than Classics To Another Level. Not Cut Out For Reading...How About Art?

You’ve probably seen book carvings before, but Long Bin-Chen’s works are definitely in a league of their own.
Taiwanese artist Long Bin-Chen uses discarded old books to create incredibly detailed sculptures that look like they’re made of marble or wood. Although all his artworks are made out of several books, he carves them all in such a manner that they fit together in a seamless manner. While he could use any books he gets his hands on, Long Bin-Chen only uses those that are relevant to his sculptures. For example, for one of his Buddha heads, he used New York telephone books. This way, the head will represent a caring Buddha from the East who came to take care of the west.

Bought from trash collectors or collected directly from the streets, the books and magazines are first carved with a band or chain saw and then with a dental sander, for finer details.
  Okay very interesting really... I'm sure that many of the authors out there are secretly hoping that their books are read and kept intact instead of being mutilated in the name of art!
I must admit though that I have read some books that would serve the masses much more as a beautiful piece of art rather than a literary time waster! It just goes to show that those eccentric ones, those that everyone look at a little differently surely have proven if you can dream it you can build it. Beauty and art for that matter are truly in the eyes of the beholder. Yes, I believe it is impressive. Hours upon hours of tedious time consuming work.  So attention all you authors who believe they have written the next best-seller, it might just show up on a pedistal at your local art museum instead of the shelves of the local library!

Written by J.S Huntington  copyright 2012 with contributing text from Spooky copyright 2010

Scarlett's New Book Trailer Video

Thanks to Colbie Caillat for the perfect Feel-Good song for A.L.Collins New Novel Scarlett's! Sit Back Relax, Smile,Laugh and Sing Along! If this video doesn't bring a smile to your face then....Buy The Book!!
Available at in paperback or e-book and  Also, check out the Scarlett's Blog at

Monday, March 26, 2012

A.L.Collins To Be At The International "Day Of The Book" Festival in Kensington, Marlyand on April 22nd.

Join me For a day of Music, Food, Fun and Books!! For more information click on the link above the picture to the official "Day Of The Book" website!

Comedian Jim Gaffigan with Author A.L. Collins

I gave Jim an autographed copy of Bastion: Prequel To War after his show Sunday night in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. "Jim Gaffigan is BY FAR my favorite comedian!"

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bastion Tales: Syrius

They call me something and I don't have a sodding clue what it means. I mean they always told me what it meant. But I never really understood. Not until today at least.
"You're the prodigy child," Torris would say to me. "You are the future of the Quiric kingdom. You embody the purity, and controversy, that all humans must understand."
They treat me like a king, but I have as many rights as a pauper. They say that I'm a ruler, but I feel like a prisoner. They tell me I'm an idol, a symbol for our people.
And every person I've ever met thinks I'm a monster.
I've never set foot outside of Themsen, the Quiric capitol. That's generous actually. I've never stepped outside of the Royen, the church-like castle of which I was born. I rarely see the outside. I was always told that our white hair was given to us by the sun, since we had gained its favor by worshiping it. But I've rarely seen the sun. So that doesn't seem necessarily true. My people all have white hair. I've learned it's just the way we are born.
I don't know any of my family. I don't know what happened to them, if they're alive or dead, how many brothers or sisters I have. If they remember me or if they don't. I remember one time when I was about thirteen years old Torris and the other Watchers told me someone had come to see me. They let him in and he was familiar. I noticed his jaw was rigid like mine. His eyes were blue, like mine. He looked at me humbly, like he didn't deserve to be in my presence. I didn't think that way. I just wondered who he was.
They told me he was Cirric. They told me he was my father. I'd seen him once in my life. I think he remembered me. I think he realized who I was. And he looked... he looked proud of me. I don't know why though. All I've done in my life is pray, meditate and study. I didn't see what was so blighted special about that.
They left me alone with him. And we talked. He asked me mindless, trivial things. What my favorite foods were and such questions. I didn't know how to answer him and he wasn't allowed to stay long. But before he left he hugged me... I think he said he was sorry. I don't know what he was sorry about. It's not his fault I was stuck in this fortress.
Years passed by. I think I'm sixteen now. That's what they tell me. I was asleep in my bunk, dreaming of less creative things because I don't know what to dream about other than studies. All of a sudden a light shines in my room. I squint against the illuminated entrance. And I see Grand Watcher Torris standing there.
"It is time young Rivinon." That was the word they called me. The one with no meaning to me. "Please awaken. I pray you have your wits about you today."
I rubbed my eyes. "Torris? What hour is it?"
"It is time, as I said."
"Time for what?"
He looked at me with eyes that I could see even against the darkness. It made me nervous. Nervous... that would be a feeling I would beg for opposed to what I'd feel later on.
And I think Torris knew that. His face showed it to me. "It is time for you to prove yourself to the Gods, Syrius."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Bastion Tales

The second Bastion won't be out for a while because the first installments of other series are my priority at the moment. But that doesn't mean I've forgotten about my first ever series! In fact I'll be writing up a series of short stories set in the Bastion universe that gives some ideas to the pasts of some characters. These books will take the point of view from several people such as Syrius, Meriah, Tavis and Zaveena. Their points of view will give a lot of detail and insight on the lore of Bastion. Unlike Bastion, these short stories will be written in the first person narrative. They'll be posted on this blog ever so often and will be open for everyone to see. And I can say that happily!

After Twined is done the first short story will be posted. It will be called "Rivinon: He Who Has Sacrificed" and will be written from Syrius' perspective, detailing his life in Quires, the sacrifices he made and how he eventually came to make his escape from his island home.

Also I may note that based off of my alternate story theme, Bastion will eventually partake in the trend of having a branched storyline. Since there will be so many Bastion books, however, the branched portion of it will take place later on in the series. It will differ in two major ways based on Rigil's decisions, the friends and enemies he makes and who he falls in love with, if he falls in love at all. And everything will factor in to decide if the world of Bastion is saved, or if it crumbles into nothingness at the hands of shadows.

I've learned that while people like to be told a story, sometimes its nice for them to have a bit of power and choose how Bastion ends for them. While there is an extent of how personalized a story can be made in writing, I think the option to choose gives readers a sense of power, and makes them feel that the characters they love and the world they admire also belongs to them. Because let's be serious, if people didn't enjoy reading my stories, and they never got told, I'd lose what being a writer is all about. So I can't wait for people to make these crucial decisions. My worlds belong to them, they deserve to be happy with how the tales begin, carry on and end.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Future Of Print On Demand Is NOW!

It's no secret that the traditional publishing market in the United States, and around the world for that matter is rapidly changing.  Technology has now made it possible for a consumer to walk into a book store with a hard to find or out of print title that they desire and have it printed within just a few minutes! Now the bookstore has to have it in there data base, but if they do "Presto" within a few minutes (seven minutes actually!) you have a book from raw stock to finished product, gorgeous color cover and all! Wow who would have thought as recently as just a few years ago that we would be at this point in the book publishing market! It's exciting for book lovers and equally as exciting for authors.
   Now I've heard from all sides of the issue on this topic and passion runs deep from all sides.  New authors who have spent years submitting query letters and manuscripts only to be rejected time after time are hailing this as the "miracle" that they needed. The traditional publishing houses are scurrying to adjust and adapt. I spoke with a traditional publishing executive in Chicago who wished to remain anonymous (I guess so not to be perceived as raising the white flag) He told me that the whispering and talk around the water coolers are, that the traditional publishing houses are dying. "Giving way to technology" is how he put it.
   I believe there will always be a market for the traditional publishers and the fact is they still at this point in time hold a more esteemed status as far as published authors go. However as more and more indie authors rise on the ranks of the best seller charts that status may be waning. Authors who at one point in time were traditionally published have actually been dropped by their publishing houses. Some have even picked themselves up off the floor, dusted themselves off and self published their own works! Paul Mann author of "Season of the Monsoon" and many others for example. After selling thirty to forty thousand copies a year, he was dropped by his publisher. After taking almost ten years off and the emergence of the Kindle and Nook readers for e-books he has started writing again and quite successfully at that! "It was the arrival of Kindle that saved my life... as a writer." Mann said.
   The fact is that more books have been published in the last three years than in the previous 100 years alone! Traditionally published authors are saying that this is diluting the quality of the books that are on the market. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can write a book and get it published now! While this may be true, it doesn't mean that they will sell! "They should have to go through the same school of hard knocks that we did!" One traditionally published author said.  We could probably argue this back and forth forever. Although I admire the traditionally published author's fortitude and perserverence, I'm sure many very good authors fell through the cracks and were never noticed due to the previous publishing industries system.
 The bottom line is, no matter what side of the fence you are sitting on. Self-publishing is here to stay. E-books and digital publishing are also here to stay.  Check out the videos below for further insight on the new print on demand and e-book directions that we are already engaged in.
Also Check out the video in the link below. It talks about the emergence of eBooks.

By: James Huntington ~ Publishing Manager for Personae Publications

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Scarlett's, Twined and Kensington

A.L. has been working hard to finish Scarlett's and Twined. Scarrlett's is finished and is currently being edited. It will hopefully be published by the end of the month, and Twined will hopefully be finished shortly.

A.L. will also be attending the Kensington book fair on April 22. We will be selling copies of all 3 books. Come out and meet A.L. We will post more information about it in April so keep checking the blog for information about the book fair and to find out when you'll be able to purchase Scarlett's and Twined.

If you haven't already, you should follow A.L. Collins on Twitter (ALCollins2011)

-Brooke L. Breen; P.R. Rep.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The ME3 Launch Tonight!

So this is exciting. The video game series that helped inspire my writing is releasing the final installment of the Shepard story arc tonight! I'm going to the midnight release and I'm way excited. Time to fight off the Reapers with Vega, Garrus and the crew at my side!

Check out the trailer. It's quite good. This one features female Shepard (FemShep)!

Friday, March 2, 2012


Twined- A high school escapism fantasy about a girl named Avalin Marsh. On her eleventh birthday, a day that was supposed to be so perfect and filled with happiness, her mother murdered a woman. Avalin was scarred seeing her mother do such a thing. But when the police arrived there was no body, no blood, despite what she and her father saw. Her mother was taken to a mental institution and Avalin and her father lived alone in that townhouse for six more years... and Avalin thought the worst of her life was over. But after she begins to imagine these strange things, such as hallucinations, hearing voices and seeing people's faces change in front of her, she becomes terrified thinking that she's becoming just like her mother. But when a strange young man named Ashur comes to her and tells her of the Twined, mythical beings that survive off of forming pacts with humans, she begins to realize maybe her mother wasn't the insane one to begin with... that maybe everything her mother claimed was real from the start